Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Different of Remanufactured & Refilled

Different of Remanufactured & Refilled

Until here, maybe you guys wanted to know the different of “Remanufactured” & “Refilled”

A definition of “remanufactured” of a responsible manufacturer, must use new drum, new wiper blade, new PCR roller and etc in finished product.

Beside that, chosen a good quality toner powder, good quality components (those mentioned above) are important in order to produce a good product with lesser defection possibility.
The cost
Here about the cost of “remanufactured toner cartridge”

An empty cartridge + new imaging drum + wiper blades + new PCR roller + toner powder + labor

For “refilled” toner cartridge, as it name as, the drum, blade & etc are reused. Just an empty cartridge refilled with toner powder.

Here will be the cost of refilled cartridge

A genuine empty cartridge + toner powder + labor

Now you guys can see the different by cost? A refilled cartridge required lesser cost than a “remanufactured”, but it can sell as “remanufactured” because end user can’t tell the different!.

Manufacturing Process
In recycling process, empty cartridge needed to disassemble, separated of hopper & wastage part, clean leftover toner powder, replace new hopper components, fill toner powder, then reassemble.

“Remanufactured” cartridge making process
Choose an empty cartridge has no major cracked -> disassemble -> clean -> replace new components -> fill toner powder -> reassemble -> replace chip if necessary

“Refilled” cartridge making process
Choose an genuine empty cartridge where no major damage of drum & wearable wiper
-> disassemble -> clean -> fill toner powder -> reassemble -> replace chip if necessary


Simply get an empty cartridge -> drill a hole at toner container -> fill toner powder
-> sealed the hole

A genuine cartridge which used at only once is easier to be refilled or recycled, as there is not much wastage & the hopper components are cleaner. This explained why, a genuine empty cartridge price is always higher than a recycled cartridge & why some cartridge maker only accept genuine empty cartridge from end users.

Chaos of local toner cartridge industry
The scene continuously happened in local cartridge supply industry, for most end user, “remanufactured = refill”
Why people choose of cheaper locally made recycled product instead of the genuine? It because of the says product can help to save 50% of cost. Where’s for other office stationeries expenses of an office can save that much?(most company counted printing as stationeries cost)

Very soon market realize of this cheap product are not as seen by the purposed of they buying, to save cost. But it’s actually increased their cost to buy new machine because their old machine has been spoilt by the locally made cheap cartridge!

The worse is when the found out that their machine cannot be claim warranty even still under warranty period caused been told by the machine maker that the warranty has been voided due to not using genuine consumable supply!

How ridiculous of that can be? Intend to save cost but eventually have to spend more!
But no, that is not the ridiculous part; the most ridiculous thing is by not using genuine consumable supply ended up void warranty? This is totally not true and it could be greatest lied ever to end user. Consider of consumables, why not a “A” printer manufacturer not limited users to buy paper produced by “A” as well? Isn’t paper a consumable as well for printing?

Think in this way, company “C” a manufacturer of vehicle, selling their car and limited users must use rim, wheel, battery, lubricant oil and etc exclusively from company “C” only, does it sounds ridiculous from you then? In fact, it’s illegally monopoly market strategy and has been discussed over years in states and now been banned by federal law!

The next time you send your printer for warranty, if the responsive company says that your printer warranty has been void due to using third party consumable supply, ask them to write you a black & white, in what terms the warranty has been void? In what prove that your machine is spoilt by the says third party consumable product? Is your right to know the further details of your asset, aren’t you?

A locally made recycled toner cartridge will never spoil your laser printer, if the toner powder did not leak!

If it does, how it will spoil a laser printer? An installed toner cartridge in a laser printer, has no direct electricity connection, has no physically contact with other electrical & mechanical parts of printer beside the gear, the cartridge seat & body & sensor flag.

As I mentioned at printer troubleshoot at above, the problem is at the fuser assembly! Leakage of additional toner powder melted on fuser assembly, tearing off the fuser film sleeve & forming as stained & on heating ceramic, blocking electricity flow on it or causing short circuit of it. Causing print out dirty, with dots or lines, or fuser error (unable to heat up),

And why leakage would happened? Aren’t ther a wiper blade supposed to wipe off the additional toner powder been sucked to the drum by static? Aren’t toner powder supposed to spread evenly on paper as per the electro conductive zone?

This is what happened if the wiper blade & drum been reused for too many times, this is what a refilled toner would cause.

Original vs Remanufactured vs Compatible/ Refilled/ Recycled

Toner Cartridges

When Laser Printer & Toner Cartridge first introduced in our country
In past years, whatever people named it, there is only original versus the local recycled toner cartridges.

Is the original must be new/ invulnerable of defection in any terms? It’s actually not, as manufacturers of printer themselves claimed to be responsible to environment friendly, in other word, recycling & reused their product. There is still possibility of original product would defected, of course a lot less than local made.

Back in early of 90s, locally made recycled toner cartridge are mostly refilled product, as this product are welcoming by markets of it’s price, 50% cheaper than the original. The margin for recycled cartridge maker is 200% by that time. 

The honey moon period of recycled cartridge maker ends up fast, as many people seeing this opportunity & get started this business. When demands vs supply imbalance, recycled cartridge maker started to seek of other solution.

Whether improve of quality, or increased of quantity (as in selling at really low price). Here’s local cartridge maker headed on a junction, and departed towards different destination.

Heading towards different way
Those chosen quality started R&D, installed equipment & setup a proper recycled cartridge manufacturer lines, through product quality to maintain their reputation & market shared, even their margin has already lowered by 100% compare to honey moon period. Here’s where a real remanufactured toner cartridge started selling to end user. 

At the other side, who had chosen quantity, through a pricing strategy to attract end user. As most end user unable to tell whether the product is good/ bad, as long as whenever it print it produced image, the “notorious” refilled product keep selling to market, tagged with “remanufactured” name, as taking a free flight, and they are getting 150% of margin still.